Dog Behavior & Training


Are you frustrated or concerned about your dog’s behavior? A private appointment allows you customize training to your specific needs and issues. Behavior consultations can be used to supplement classes or as an alternative to group classes.

Behavior consultations can be scheduled in your home, at my office / training space in Oshkosh or by video on Zoom or Facebook.

At a private appointment I will take a thorough history on your dog and any issues you are having. Next we discuss options for modifying and managing behaviors in a humane, positive way. Handouts are provided along with specific exercises for you to work on and implement. A follow-up appointment is often recommended in order to evaluate progress and continue with training. Common areas addressed in private training include:

  • Aggression (to people in your household, strangers, visitors, other dogs, other animals in your household, guarding toys / chews/ objects)
  • Leash reactivity (barking, lunging)
  • Shyness/Socialization Issues
  • Puppy/Pet Selection
  • Temperament Testing & Evaluation
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Handling problems (veterinary or home exams, nail trims, grooming issues)
  • House Soiling (including marking, crate / confinement behavior)
  • Sound Sensitivity (thunderstorms, fireworks, etc.)
  • Jumping
  • Coming when called
  • Mouthing/Chewing
  • Pulling on leash
  • Preparation for a new baby or family member
  • Multi-dog household issues
  • Stealing from counters and tables
  • Destructive chewing
  • Digging
  • Excessive barking
  • Compulsive behaviors
  • Adjusting to a new home (for rescued / adopted / re-homed dogs)

Appointment Times:

Day, evening, and weekend appointments are available from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Contact Information:

Call (920) 235-9880 or email to ask questions or to schedule an appointment.

Fees & Payment:

Payment in full is required at the conclusion of your appointment. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted.

  • $115 per hour for appointments starting before 4 p.m

  • $135 per hour for appointments after 4 p.m. and on weekends
  • $1.85 per mile round trip for appointments scheduled in-home.

(A $25 fee will be charged for all returned checks.)

Cancellation Policy:

We understand that things come up, but if you cancel with less than 24 hour’s notice, or if you miss your appointment without prior notification, you will be charged for 1 hour of time ($115 or $135) plus mileage if your appointment was scheduled in your home.

Late Policy:

If I arrive and you are not home, I will attempt to call you and will wait for 15 minutes. If you do not arrive, the above cancellation policy will apply. Please call if you are running late for your appointment at my office.


When I arrive at your home, please have your dog confined in a crate or in another room with the door closed.

Packages for Follow-Up Appointments:

I recommend at least one follow-up appointment after our initial consultation in order to evaluate progress, add to your program or make changes. The following discounts are available for additional appointments:

  • 1-2 One hour appointments – 5% discount (to be completed within 10 weeks)
  • 3-4 One hour appointments – 10% discount (to be completed within 18 weeks)
  • 5-6 One hour appointments – 15% discount (to be completed within 6 months)

* Additional training time beyond the first hour is billed at the same discounted rate if you choose to work longer than one hour.

* Mileage for travel time is billed at the same discount for all packages.

* Packages are to be pre-paid at the time of our first appointment and are non-refundable.

* If package is not completed within the listed time frame it will expire and will be considered void.